Smooth Generate Text
Smooth Generate Text
Displays a beautiful Smooth Generate Text.
Install the following dependencies:
npm install framer-motion
Copy and paste the cn util code into your project.
import { ClassValue, clsx } from "clsx"
import { twMerge } from "tailwind-merge"
export function cn(...inputs: ClassValue[]) {
return twMerge(clsx(inputs))
Copy and paste the Generate Text code into your project.
API Reference
Prop | Type | Description |
words | string | Generate text words. |
className | string | Additional classes for the Text. |
filter | boolean | If true, apply blur effect on words |
duration | number | animated duration |
const words = `Hey Bros!
I’m excited to introduce BuouUI, a new UI library that I’ve been working on. If you’re familiar with shadcn, you’ll know it’s a fantastic tool for building visually appealing websites with a strong focus on component design. However, one area where I found it lacking was in the animation department. To address this, I decided to integrate and extend Framer Motion, a popular animation library, to add a whole new layer of interactivity and polish.
export default function TextGenerateEffectDemo() {
return <TextGenerateEffect words={words} />